Commission Info

Thank you so much for your interest in my work! Here you can find my Terms of Service, my examples and prices, and my contact info! Please look carefully through my T.O.S before requesting a commissionIf you are requesting a background to your piece, we will need to talk about the price, it will all depend on the complexity.An added character will cost an added 60% of the original amount of the first character.
I will only be doing 10 characters max per piece!


Colored Headshot (No Shading) - $10

Minimal Shaded Headshot - $13

Fully Shaded Headshot - $25

Colored Half body (No Shading) - $20

Minimal Shaded Half body - $25

Fully Shaded Half body - $35

Colored Full body (No shading) - $30

Minimal Shading Full body - $35

Fully Shaded Full body - $45

Colored Chibi (No shading) - ex

Minimal Shading Chibi - ex

Animated Icon - $50


Please be sure to read through all these terms before requesting a commission. By requesting a commission, it means you have agreed to everything specified down below. And as the creator, I have every right to deny a commission for any reason. Thank you for understanding!The finished product will be produced digitally, and you will receive it in high quality.Everything I CAN draw:
- Animals of all types
- Mythical animals (dragons, unicorns, etc.)
- Humans
- non-heavily detailed backgrounds
- non-heavy gore and violence (injury)
- ship art between your own original characters
Everything I CANNOT draw:
- NSFW, or anything suggestive
- Hateful or offensive artwork
- Heavy gore
- Anything political
Payment: This is an upfront commission. All prices are in USD, Payment is through PayPal.
After the payment is complete, we can converse through email: [email protected]
or discord: soffaloaf
(Preferably discord as it is easier to converse)
Once we are set, I will send you a sketch to make any minor changes, such as an expression change or small position change. A full redraw will cost extra. I suggest you plan ahead and send references if you want something more specific.
Once the piece is complete, I will not accept any changes.
Deadlines: I don’t have a specific deadline for any piece, it all depends on the detail. Although, no piece should take longer than a month! Sometimes I will need a little extra time for more complex works, (An animated icon might take two months). Don’t be afraid to ask for wip checks any time you need!
Please specify if your commission is a gift, and due so a month before the date. This will let me know to plan ahead and finish exactly in a month or less!
Showing it to the Public: When we start, I will ask you if you are okay with me posting the finished commission on social media and/or on future commission examples. Please be ready to answer, and you can only change your mind before the piece is posted.
As the commissioner, you are able to post or trace the finished work on any social media you like with proper credit to me (my name). DO NOT claim to have created it yourself or use it for commercial purposes.
Please follow all requirements listed on this form and on this tab and you will be good to go! Thank you so much for the interest in my work!
Email: [email protected]
Discord: soffaloaf